Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Exam season is over! It started out with a bang - I handed in my 140 page final report for my 4th year project. I think all the not sleeping or eating thing got to me because wow did I ever get sick. At least it didn't start before the project deadline. They actually isolated me during the exams because all the coughing and such was bothering the other students. I had a proctor periodically check in on me instead of sit with me because no one would volunteer - being afraid of catching the 'plague.' I was determined not to deffer my exams since doing so would push back my convocation which would a) suck and b) make life complicated.

Today I finished my last exam of the semester. And if all goes well - I have finished the last exam at Carleton FOREVER! You think I would be jumping for joy but I don't think it's set in yet. When I get my grades and that very deserved piece of paper that say "you have met all the requirements and you can graduate" or something of the sort - then it will hit me. Done. Done done done.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Officially worst Easter ever! Originally my 4th year project (a.k.a honours thesis) was due on Good Friday until the deptartment figured out it was indeed Good Friday and the school was closed. Ha! So the duedate got pushed back until Easter Monday. Holiday-wise I'm not sure it's that much better, however the school was back open. These extra three days is perhaps the only good thing to happen over the duration of the project and well it was needed. So I spent all weekend (and the last 2 weeks...) working on my project.

Easter Sunday I joined a nice meal of 'Greek on Wheels' because I thought I deserved something more than just cereal. I worked on my project until it was finished at 6:12am!! Charles was a big help, went over the code with me and provided the much needed emotional support. Felt like throwing my laptop off the balconey once or twice.

Monday morning, I scurried around trying to figure out how to print two copies and get them bound. The 24hour staples, who I called several times over the night eventually picked up and quoted 3pm as the time to pick up....humm the project was due at noon. I finally ended up at graphic services at school who didn't have a huge line as I expected (I went there when they opened, the huge line developed while I was waiting, and I was in the front, excellent) and I got it done and handed in by 9:45am. Wahoo! Officially done my project.

Easter Monday afternoon was the silver lining. I spent the afternoon with some extended family that was in town. I have another cousin in town and I never knew it until Sunday. The marvels of facebook I tell you! Yay Kierstan!