Easter Sunday I joined a nice meal of 'Greek on Wheels' because I thought I deserved something more than just cereal. I worked on my project until it was finished at 6:12am!! Charles was a big help, went over the code with me and provided the much needed emotional support. Felt like throwing my laptop off the balconey once or twice.
Monday morning, I scurried around trying to figure out how to print two copies and get them bound. The 24hour staples, who I called several times over the night eventually picked up and quoted 3pm as the time to pick up....humm the project was due at noon. I finally ended up at graphic services at school who didn't have a huge line as I expected (I went there when they opened, the huge line developed while I was waiting, and I was in the front, excellent) and I got it done and handed in by 9:45am. Wahoo! Officially done my project.
Easter Monday afternoon was the silver lining. I spent the afternoon with some extended family that was in town. I have another cousin in town and I never knew it until Sunday. The marvels of facebook I tell you! Yay Kierstan!
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