Tuesday, April 11, 2006

…And it Begins!

It was an unusually warm and beautiful day in Ottawa, not a cloud in the sky. With high hopes I charged my mp3 player, donned my new lulumon pants, put on my sneakers and headed out.

I was well aware of the grueling nature of learning to jog. I took up jogging in Banff a few years ago. The first few times out were painful, huffing and puffing. I was getting rather good when I had to have my appendix removed August long weekend.

With this in mind, I began my training along the Ottawa canal. Although I remembered how terrible jogging can be at the start, I still wasn’t overly prepared. I had forgotten the feeling when your lungs feel like they’re on fire. I only ended up jogging 40% of my route, walking the rest.
It turns out that my payless sneakers which are perfect for the elliptical machine at the gym just don’t cut in outside on a trail. I feel that they are lacking ankle support as I ended up semi-limping the way back.

I have to admit that I’m jealous of all the seasoned runners on the trail today. Soon enough, hopefully, I will be able to run like them! Tips?


FreddyBeachPete said...

Hope you go out and get yourself fitted for a proper pair of shoes. They are absolutely critical (IMHO), especially as the training distances get longer. Visit one of your local Running Room locations for expert service.


Taylor said...

haha, yes it does seem that I do need to invest in some actual running shoes. And I saw some runners with belts that carry small waterbottles, those were cool. I'll have to look into that when its hot out and I can actually run.