Friday, July 28, 2006

Falling apart. On Tuesday I twisted my knee in jitsu class. Although it felt okay at the time, since then it’s being causing me problems. Stairs are a bitch for instance, but walking is fine. I attempted a jitsu class last night and found myself sitting out a lot as my knee was starting to burn. I ended the class half limping, and hoping that by Monday or Tuesday it will be healed and I can return 100% to jitsu again. I didn’t enjoy my jitsu class last night. It was one of those nights where you feel you’ll have to drag yourself back. Not a recreation, but a chore. In addition to my knee twisting, on Wednesday I manage to drop a 2lb weight on the exact part of my knee that hurts. %*&^!! Thankfully it was only a 2lber and it was at the end of my workout. I now have a very nice bruise to go with the pain. Finally, that same day while cleaning I managed to walk into my bed corner. Yes, I walked into a stationary object. Bruise about 2inches in diameter just above my ankle, same leg as my knee. I am such a klutz!

This weekend Charles and I are going “camping.” Camping in the sense that we are going to sleep in a tent and make smores by a bonfire but that’s really the extent of it. I’m very excited about the smores (2pts under weight watchers)! Tomorrow we’re going to the Mont Saint Sauveur Waterpark. I’m also very excited about this. I was there a few years back and had a blast! Since then they’ve added a bunch of stuff including a surfing generator. The slides are great, a quarter of which you need to wear a helmet on. I’m worried about the amount of stairs and such that I’ll have to endure waterpark day on the account of my knee. If I’m feeling okay on the Sunday we hope to hit the aerial park. I hope the weather holds up. It will be nice to have a weekend away J

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