Monday, July 24, 2006

It was a beautiful overcast 22C today with periods of rain in Ottawa today; perfect jogging weather, well in my opinion. Tomorrow is supposed to feel like 39C with thunderstorms. Sigh. Went for my first jog in the last two weeks. LOL I did the canal route and jogged around Dow’s lake. I was feeling strong the beginning half (not stopping once!) but was much slower the second half

Advice? Jogging and water. When I’m out for a jog my mouth gets dry and I get really thirsty. But when I stop for water, even if I don’t gulp it down, I’m plagued with stomach cramps for the next 10 minutes. So what’s the answer for the balance between jogging and water?

1 comment:

DerekTheRunner said...

I don't know if this helps at all, but I only stop running (usually) to walk and I sip only small amounts of water at a time or I start to feel it sloshing around in me. Of course that is about the same time then the my water bottle on my back is no longer full and is sloshing around there too. Sort of annoying.