Sunday, June 18, 2006

My dad was in town for the Red Cross AGM this weekend so it was perfect timing with Father’s day and all. His meetings finished up yesterday afternoon. We walked around downtown, ate outside on a patio at a Vietnamese place in the market and then went to see Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift. ooOOoo pretty cars.
Charles, Dad and I went out for breakfast this morning. After two unsuccessful attempts trying to find a breakfast place, Cora’s and Chances ‘R with lines outside the door, we ended up at a nice but packed place in Nepean called Summerhays. I recommend.
After brunch dad headed back to Sudbury while Charles and I went to spend the day at his parent’s place.
I went prepared and packed my running gear and my bathing suit. Even though everyone thought it was hot this afternoon I thought the weather felt quite good and generally nice. It was only until I went for a jog that I started to agree with them! Because of the heat I jogged fairly slow, but surprisingly fairly steadily. The last bend in the trail I was starting to wish the whole run was over and that I was in the pool. I kept picturing getting back and diving in sneakers and all. Visualizing helps I think J I decided against my dramatic pool jumping entrance and went inside to change. It was then that I heard the temperature on the radio. Ottawa 30C, with humidex 38C! Hummm….maybe I shouldn’t have gone for a jog after all….

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