Monday, June 12, 2006

Yesterday I went for a short hard run. I had what I like to think of as a “double whammy.” First, unlike my previous run by the river, my lungs were just not in the exercising mood. I felt like a smoker huffing and puffing. Why does this vary so much? Second, due to my recent increase in activity my legs were a little sore and this caused them to feel like they were full of lead. Ouch. I was starting to feel like the little engine that could….I think I can…..I think I can…..must-make-5k-half-mark….I think I can……I reached the 2.5km mark with the last 100m I’m sure a fast walker could have beat me. I decided that my reward for keeping at it was lots of walking on the way back. You can justify anything to yourself if you try hard enough. Hopefully next time out I’ll be in the zone, no huffing, no puffing and legs like feathers. J

Good news! I checked the mail this morning and I received a donation from Brewster’s Mountain Lodge in Banff, Alberta. Very sweet guys! I worked front desk at Brewster’s over the summer of 2004. Good place to stay if you are traveling that way.

More Good News! I received an online donation today from one of my dad’s contacts. Thanks Judy for your support!

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